Interlude Soul x1000
Interlude Soul New x1000
Interlude Classic x1200
PvP Clans
1. `[G]rea[T] 40528
2. ~*[^.Silver.^]*~ 26502
3. [ATA][MAH] 25890
4. {O}t.h.e.n.e.r 22109
5. [HH]MoneyGram 21247
6. Keer 19696
7. *^-[R].a.[T]-^* 19579
8. #[M]asquarade`. 18627
1. [C]orjik. 866
2. dvp@ 379
3. #[M]asquarade`. 197
4. LoveYouToo 179
5. BrutalSex 178
6. 1st#ghh 135
7. Fallen777angel 126
8. azimut 122
1. LegioVictrix 287969
2. SWC 209605
3. CosaNostra 87140
4. BlackDragons 82569
5. Tragedy 56910
6. NikeTeam 42811
7. X5M 31519
8. APX 31177
Interlude Soul
Interlude Soul New
User Agreement

This Agreement is intended to regulate the relations between the User and the Rightholder of the Internet Portal
Last updated: December 13, 2024.


1. Used terms.
2. Subject of the Agreement.
3. Procedure for entry into force of the Agreement.
4. Rights and obligations of the parties.
4.1 User's Rights.
4.2 User's Obligations.
4.3 The User is not entitled to.
4.4 Operator's Rights.
4.5 Operator's Obligations.
4.6 Limitation of Operator's Liability.
4.7 The Operator does not guarantee.
5. Privacy and Security.
6. Additional Paid Services.
7. Refusal to provide guarantees.
8. Additional Provisions.


1.Used terms.

• Operator - the Right holder of the Portal, is a party to the User Agreement. The Operator performs administration and maintenance, provides access of Users to the Portal, services (also paid services), on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

• User - a natural person visiting the Portal or participating in the Projects of the Portal

• The User, as well as the Operator, is a party to the Agreement.

• Portal - special software and hardware complexes placed on the Operator's resources. Users access to the Portal is provided only by the Operator. All rights to use the • • • Portal belong exclusively to the Operator.

• Website - The website located on the Internet at

• Services - providing Users with access to the Portal, use of features and services, participation in the Projects on the terms and conditions specified in the Agreements. • • Operator's Services are provided free of charge. The only exceptions are additional paid services. All services are provided by the Operator only within the Website, i.e. during its use by the User.

• Additional paid services - providing the User with additional special features of the Website as a thank you for the Donation. These services are not mandatory and are provided at the User's request. Paid services are provided by the Operator exclusively within the Portal.

2. Subject of the Agreement.

2.1 Providing the Operator with access to the Portal (services, customer services, paid services) to an unlimited number of persons on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2.2 The User understands that the main purpose of the Projects of the Portal is to organize by the Operator leisure and entertainment, in no way related to gambling.


3. Procedure for entry into force of the Agreement.

3.1. From the moment of acceptance of this Agreement, the User has the Rights and performs the Obligations stipulated in the text of this Agreement.

3.2. The User accepts and agrees to the terms of this Agreement by registering the account on the site: The fact of acceptance means the full and unconditional consent of the User with all the conditions and annexes of this Agreement.

3.3. If the User for any reason does not agree with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, he must cease further use of the Web-site.

3.4. Use of the Web-site is possible only after acceptance of this Agreement by the User.

3.5. By accepting the present Agreement, the User confirms his being able and capable to conclude this Agreement. The operator does not have to check the data specified by the user at registration.

3.6 If it is necessary to create an account (hereinafter referred to as "Account") in order to use the Portal or participate in the Portal Projects, the User must complete the registration process by providing the Operator with current, complete and accurate information (including e-mail address) in the appropriate form. In case of posting on the Portal about participation in partnership programs, the registered User has the right to participate in contests, drawings, competitions on the Website of partners.


4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1 User's rights

In accordance with this agreement the User has the right:

• Use the Portal only for personal, non-commercial purposes.

• To use all services, resources (including additional paid services) provided by the Operator.

• If necessary to use technical support of the Website, contact the Operator via contact information or feedback form.

• To use the Website and participate in the Portal Projects free of charge (excluding provision of additional paid services).


4.2 User's Obligations.

In compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the User shall:

• Provide accurate information when registering on the Site.

• Take all necessary measures to ensure the effective security of your personal account. Do not allow access to third parties.

• If necessary, at the request of the Operator to provide confirmation of personal data indicated on the Site at the time of registration.

• Follow the Operator's instructions within this Portal.

• Do not violate the rights of author and intellectual property of the Operator, located on its Portal.

• Observe conditions of this Agreement without any limitations.

• The User undertakes to use the Server exclusively for entertainment purposes, without pursuing any gain from the Server.


4.3 The User is not entitled to.

Using the Operator's Portal, the User is not entitled to:

• Use errors (bugs) of the Website and Portal services, unauthorized access to the common database, computer system, change program code. The User is prohibited from using malicious programs that can cause damage the Portal, as well as special software that gives him superiority over other users. In case of identifying such violations, the Operator shall be entitled to impose penalties on the violators including banning access to the Website and deleting the User Account.

• Restrict access to the sites of other Users.

• Engage in fraud and other misconduct.

• Advertise anything that does not relate to the Portal without the written permission of the Operator.

• Express threats to the Operator, advertising drugs, distribute materials containing pornographic information that promotes violence, hatred towards any race, religion, culture, nation, people, language, politics, state, ideology or social movement.

• To conduct anti-advertising of the Portal, including outside their borders.

• Insult relatives(family) in any chat room, whether direct, indirect or veiled insults.

• To disseminate patently false information about server.

• Buy/sell/exchange in-game valuables for real money, any dialogs related to selling in-game valuables for real money are forbidden, all bought/sold valuables can be confiscated and accounts can be blocked.

• Hanging on the Wyvern for more than 5 minutes in areas where Players are crowded.

• Engage in PvP/PK stat tampering in order to increase ranking position or accelerate PvP rewards.

• The User agrees that his/her rights and obligations may be changed/added by the Operator, of which he/she is notified via the contact details provided during registration (or on the Site).


4.4 Operator's Rights.

This Agreement grants Operator the following rights:

• At any time, at its discretion, unilaterally without prior notice to Users, expand, modify, terminate, restrict the provision of the Services, as well as the Additional Paid Services.

• To manage all processes on the Portals at his sole discretion.

• Suspend, change the course of game processes without notifying the User.

• Apply penalties to the User in case of violation of this Agreement.

• To modify/delete User's information on the Portals.

• To track and store identification and statistical information about the User.

• To send Users technical information, advertising, as well as other information related to the Portal, Services and Additional Paid Services.

• To inform, warn, make remarks, notify the User in case of non-compliance with/ violation of the terms of this Agreement. All instructions of the Operator must be strictly followed by the Users.

• Take legal measures to protect their intellectual, copyrighted property.

• To modify, change, supplement the Internet portal at its discretion without notification to the User.

• Inaction of the Operator for violation of this Agreement by the User does not exclude the use of penalties for them later.


4.5 Operator's Obligations.

Being a party to the User Agreement, the Operator is obliged to:

• Make possible that the User can receive the Operator's Services within this Portal (including the receipt of Additional Paid Services).

• To respond to Users' queries, in case of disputes to take all possible measures to resolve them.


4.6 Limitation of Operator's Liability.

In accordance with this section, the Operator is not responsible for:

• Any damage caused or which can only be caused to the personal data and computer of the User related with the use of the Server and the Site.

• Losses (direct/indirect) caused to the User due to the use or inaccessibility of the Website (impossibility to use them), behavior of third parties on the Website, as well as other Participants of the Website Projects, unauthorized access to the User's personal data.

• Speech, disseminated information, User's statements and other unlawful acts carried out by him on the Portal and beyond.

• The information specified by the User at registration, the lost possibility of access to the Portal (login, password, etc.).

• Loss by the User of acquired virtual valuables which resulted from rendering Services and Additional Paid Services by the Operator.

• Payment by the User of Additional Paid Services and related expenses.

• Uninterrupted operation of the Portal.

• Possibilities of the User, related with Internet connection, data transmission speed.


4.7 The Operator does not guarantee.

• Continuous, fast, reliable or error-free operating of the Portal, access to its resources, Services as well as Additional Paid Services.

• That the Internet portal will fully satisfy the requirements and expectations of the User.

• That the quality of the provided Services (Additional Paid Services) will meet the expectations of the User.

• The Operator is not obliged to present documents and other evidence, at the request of the User, indicating the violation (by the User) of this Agreement and the application of penalty/ disciplinary sanctions against him.

• The User uses the Portal, the Operator's Site solely at his own risk, of his own free will, without coercion. He understands the possible risks associated with the use of the Operator's resources and has no claims to the Operator.


5. Privacy and Security.

5.1. Confidential Information - information received by the operator in the process of registering the User on the Site, as well as during visits to the Sites/ Portal and participation in the events of the Portal.

5.2. Confidential information is not subject to disclosure and transfer to third parties.

5.3. Personal data may be transferred by the Operator only in cases:

• Official request of law enforcement agencies (violation of local and international legislation).

• The personal will of the User.

• Inability to use the services and additional paid services on the Portals (about which the User is warned in advance).

• Violations of the clauses of this Agreement (at the discretion of the Operator).

5.4. The operator ensures the safety of the user's personal data using special software. In the case of unauthorized access to the Internet portal of third parties, the security of personal data is not guaranteed.


6. Additional Paid Services.

6.1. At the request of the User, the Operator provides him with Additional Paid Services. They allow to use extended features.

6.2. Additional Paid Services are not a prerequisite for using the Internet server.

6.3. Since debiting of funds by the Portal Operator from the User's account, the additional Paid Service is considered to be rendered in full, of the proper quality.

6.4. After the provision of the Additional Paid Service, the money spent for its purchase is not refundable.

6.5. The User agrees that the Operator has the right to store the personal information received when User purchase the Additional Paid Services.

6.6. The list of Additional Paid Services and their cost are published only by the Operator on the Site/ Portal. Any information and offers of purchase posted on third-party resources are considered fraud, for which the Operator does not bear responsibility.

6.7. The methods and the possibility of purchasing Additional Paid Services are explained by the Operator on the Site.

6.8. The operator does not give explanations on the issues of working with payment systems with which the User has decided to purchase Additional Paid Services and is not responsible for their correct operation.

6.9. In a case of a technical malfunction of the Sites or intentional actions of the User, or in other cases when Additional Paid Services were rendered without full/ partial debiting of funds from the User's account, he is obliged to report this fact to the Operator. Following that the User is obliged to repay the debt.

6.10. The Operator does not reimburse the User for unused (partially used) Additional Paid Services.

6.11. The user at his own expense, independently carries all the financial costs associated with the acquisition (transfer of money) of Additional Paid Services. This section includes: commissions, fees and other expenses.

6.12. The User guarantees to the Operator that he has all legal powers and rights to conclude this Agreement in the part of Additional Paid Services.

6.13. In the case of the purchase of Additional Paid Services by a User who has not reached the age of 18, he must first obtain consent to conduct financial transactions from legal representatives. The fact of purchasing Additional Paid Services confirms obtaining such an approval from the legitimate representative. If necessary, the Operator has the right to request a written confirmation of the mentioned approval as well as passport data to establish the real age of the User.

6.14. Responsibility for the purchase of Additional Paid Services is entirely the responsibility of the User and his legal representatives.

6.15. Disputes about responsibility for the purchase of Additional Paid Services with the Server Operator are not allowed.

6.16. Receipt of additional Paid Services by the User is possible only after full payment of their cost.

6.17. After the Additional Paid Service has been rendered in proper quality, the money spent on its purchase is not refundable.
If the service was not rendered in full or was rendered in improper quality (the balance of personal account was not replenished or the amount of replenishment differs from the calculated amount when paying for the order), the customer has the right to refuse the service by e-mail:, and receive full compensation of its cost or a similar service. The term of claims consideration and refund is 15 working days.


7. Refusal to provide guarantees.

• The Materials on this site are provided "as is" and without warranties in relation to the provision of the site services.

• The Operator by this agreement warns and reminds that excessive use of PC, including PC games, can be harmful to the User's health.

• The User or his/her legal representatives, agree to monitor their own health condition and not to use the services / limit their use if there are any contraindications.

• The Operator shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental or other damages (including lost profits) resulting from the game services, Portal Sites and/or materials on the Site, actions of third parties related to the services and the Operator's Portal and/or materials on the Site, including fraudulent and/or negligent actions of third parties.


8. Additional Provisions.

8.1. If the User does not have the right to use the Portal according to the laws of his country or there are other restrictions (age limits and others), he is obligated to refuse to use the Portal without warning, as well as their separate services. The User assumes all responsibility for using the Internet portal in his country, based on local laws and taking into account international law.

8.2. Invalidity of one/ several items/ sections of the User Agreement does not entail its invalidity as a whole. In this case, the parties must fulfill their obligations under the remaining paragraphs/ sections of the Agreement.

8.3. Disputes arising between the Parties are shall be settled on a pre-trial basis through correspondence between the Operator and the User. In case of ineffectiveness of mediated settlement of disputes, they will be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.

8.4. This Agreement may be amended, supplemented by the Operator without prior notice to the User. Any changes shall take effect immediately after the publication of the amended version of the Agreement in the relevant section of the Internet portal. To avoid disputes, the User undertakes to independently verify the text of the Agreement on the Site, where it is freely available. In case of failure to verify the text of the Agreement by the User, this fact can not serve as a basis for refusing to fulfill the obligations undertaken. The amended version of the Agreement after publication on the Site has a similar legal effect with the original text.