Interlude Soul x1000

ID Name Class Clan LvL PvP / PK Time Online
1 `[G]rea[T] Sagittarius CosaNostra 80 40528 / 3 104 d. 20 h.
2 ~*[^.Silver.^]*~ Ghost Sentinel SWC 80 26502 / 1 45 d. 13 h.
3 [ATA][MAH] Hell Knight LegioVictrix 80 25890 / 18 220 d. 1 h.
4 {O}t.h.e.n.e.r Adventurer Desperados 80 22109 / 30 90 d. 9 h.
5 [HH]MoneyGram Adventurer LegioVictrix 80 21247 / 55 57 d. 20 h.
6 Keer Sagittarius LegioVictrix 80 19696 / 0 104 d. 4 h.
7 *^-[R].a.[T]-^* Duelist SWC 80 19579 / 23 137 d. 2 h.
8 #[M]asquarade`. Maestro LegioVictrix 80 18627 / 197 101 d. 12 h.
9 Light Eva's Saint LegioVictrix 80 18149 / 19 53 d. 8 h.
10 `[APX] Maestro APX 80 15342 / 8 75 d. 23 h.
11 []#QueenAlice Adventurer BlackDragons 80 15308 / 65 29 d. 22 h.
12 GTR Sagittarius NikeTeam 80 14691 / 0 191 d. 5 h.
13 [AID] Duelist Umbrella 80 14537 / 75 161 d. 3 h.
14 `..GodnesS..` Spectral Master LegioVictrix 80 13734 / 5 30 d. 15 h.
15 [G:o:D] Mystic Muse SWC 80 13594 / 4 36 d. 22 h.
16 [Chapa`Chapa] Maestro LegioVictrix 80 11544 / 90 53 d. 20 h.
17 #Yooo`_P!=) Adventurer LegioVictrix 80 11364 / 11 75 d. 10 h.
18 "l_STOP_XAM_l' Sagittarius LegioVictrix 80 11136 / 0 119 d. 14 h.
19 ~*[Silmantis.]*~ Adventurer SaintsWarriors 80 10000 / 0 28 d.
20 .`seppuku`. Wind Rider Tragedy 80 9421 / 3 25 d. 16 h.
21 <_*.ScauT.*/_> Grand Khavatari UrbanTigers 80 8951 / 22 26 d. 20 h.
22 OldMan Soultaker SWC 80 8826 / 0 114 d. 15 h.
23 [H]eaDLine[R] Mystic Muse APX 80 8681 / 1 96 d. 13 h.
24 [B_E_S_T_I_A] Mystic Muse BlackDragons 80 8627 / 17 34 d. 22 h.
25 Late Dreadnought History 80 8500 / 29 22 d. 23 h.
26 AHTOXA Mystic Muse LegioVictrix 80 8235 / 1 24 d. 4 h.
27 #13 Cardinal Tragedy 80 8212 / 14 12 d. 18 h.
28 Manera Mystic Muse LegioVictrix 80 8204 / 2 74 d. 3 h.
29 Nekr Soultaker Reserv 80 8127 / 3 30 d. 18 h.
30 *^[N]o_[Name]*^ Maestro LegioVictrix 80 7958 / 0 23 d. 13 h.
2025-03-26 14:34:50
ID Name Class Clan LvL PvP / PK Time Online
1 [C]orjik. Eva's Saint 80 1725 / 866 4 d. 20 h.
2 dvp@ Sagittarius 80 171 / 379 14 h. 22 m.
3 #[M]asquarade`. Maestro LegioVictrix 80 18627 / 197 101 d. 12 h.
4 LoveYouToo Storm Screamer 80 3 / 179 17 h. 44 m.
5 BrutalSex Titan 80 754 / 178 1 d. 12 h.
6 1st#ghh Adventurer Raidkiller 80 1872 / 135 3 d. 12 h.
7 Fallen777angel Adventurer 80 791 / 126 2 d. 16 h.
8 azimut Ghost Sentinel OneTarget 80 144 / 122 1 d. 8 h.
9 Its Sagittarius LegioVictrix 80 1597 / 121 25 d. 1 h.
10 SoloWay Shillien Saint SWC 80 532 / 109 2 d. 4 h.
11 Parmesan Mystic Muse BlackDragons 80 1816 / 101 7 d. 8 h.
12 777777 Sagittarius Detachet 80 78 / 93 5 h. 58 m.
13 [Chapa`Chapa] Maestro LegioVictrix 80 11544 / 90 53 d. 20 h.
14 Riku_@ Eva's Saint DarkDragoons 80 600 / 90 2 d. 20 h.
15 MomentoMori Maestro SWC 80 1586 / 87 10 d. 13 h.
16 Kan Sagittarius 80 453 / 76 5 d. 19 h.
17 [AID] Duelist Umbrella 80 14537 / 75 161 d. 3 h.
18 Momento*Mori, Grand Khavatari SWC 80 2325 / 73 18 d. 10 h.
19 No,Mercy Dreadnought X5M 80 4653 / 72 21 d. 15 h.
20 XyenJIeT Fortune Seeker 80 32 / 68 19 h. 30 m.
21 DeRt Adventurer X5M 80 2135 / 67 5 d. 9 h.
22 []#QueenAlice Adventurer BlackDragons 80 15308 / 65 29 d. 22 h.
23 Happy_@ Dominator Raidkiller 80 508 / 62 4 d. 14 h.
24 lil_@ Mystic Muse CosaNostra 80 673 / 59 7 d. 19 h.
25 PK Sagittarius 80 60 / 59 17 h. 40 m.
26 sKYLAND Titan Topworld 80 656 / 57 4 d. 6 h.
27 skydiver Phoenix Knight 80 23 / 57 1 d. 12 h.
28 Givenchy13 Soultaker CosaNostra 80 915 / 56 2 d. 5 h.
29 Ifariay_@ Fortune Seeker 80 453 / 55 2 d. 5 h.
30 [HH]MoneyGram Adventurer LegioVictrix 80 21247 / 55 57 d. 20 h.
2025-03-26 14:34:50
ID Name Ally Castle Clan hall Level Rep Member PvP
1 LegioVictrix Newbie - Bandit Stronghold 8 423515 122 288028
2 SWC SWC Goddard Castle The Golden Chamber 8 206315 89 209662
3 CosaNostra 999 - The Golden Chamber 8 174240 36 87167
4 BlackDragons xoriginal_N Oren Castle Emerald Hall 8 83980 83 82569
5 Tragedy TopHateL2PWNER Schuttgart Castle Wild Beast Reserve 8 180675 27 57107
6 NikeTeam NikeAlly - 8 188675 19 42811
7 X5M 999 - Fortress of Resistance 8 154590 32 31530
8 APX Aden Castle 8 60745 21 31177
9 Reserv - 8 155365 33 29266
10 Desperados Donbass - 8 171720 19 27616
11 Umbrella la2 Dion Castle 8 64110 34 26754
12 CareBears - 8 150135 11 17574
13 MorleyFans YHHB - 8 212615 27 15273
14 Greats Tea - 8 165975 60 14696
15 History OLD - 8 156625 6 13692
16 SaintsWarriors Seraphims - 8 150000 6 12746
17 1Stnew Xtreme - 8 158650 47 12255
18 626384315253 allahuakbarjihad - 8 196895 39 12001
19 Liberty CuTu - 8 201825 43 11383
20 Topworld Gludio Castle 8 161305 73 11362
21 OLD ally - 8 154100 24 10116
22 Raidkiller Raidi - 8 149585 48 9720
23 UrbanTigers Pride - 8 34475 7 9640
24 Solo Ash - 8 152525 88 9428
25 774 - 8 150550 3 8207
26 PoDHbIE - 8 149870 23 7684
27 VibeSquad AZGARD - 8 155525 19 7259
28 SixtyNine Kvadrobery - 8 149715 14 6796
29 EX633D - 8 150010 3 6332
30 TopDog FightClub - 8 152375 6 6130
2025-03-26 14:34:50
ID Picture Name Info Date Siege
1 Gludio Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   Topworld
Leader:   zoulouandeza

28-03-25 20:00
2 Dion Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   Umbrella
Leader:   [AID]

01-04-25 20:00
3 Giran Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   Legendary
Leader:   *-=Dant[1st]=-*

29-03-25 03:00
4 Oren Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   BlackDragons
Leader:   []#KateWild

27-03-25 03:00
5 Aden Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   APX
Leader:   ~{C.M.E.P.T.b}~

30-03-25 03:00
6 Innadril Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   Neverland
Leader:   Phalaphel

27-03-25 20:00
7 Goddard Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   SWC
Leader:   #<[ToOM]>#

29-03-25 20:00
8 Rune Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   NoMercy
Leader:   Mpa3b

30-03-25 20:00
9 Schuttgart Castle

Tax:   0%
Clan:   Tragedy
Leader:   .`seppuku`.

01-04-25 03:00
2025-03-26 14:34:50
ID Name Town Clan Leader
1 Fortress of Resistance Dion X5M No,Mercy
2 Bandit Stronghold Oren LegioVictrix #[M]asquarade`.
3 The Golden Chamber Aden CosaNostra -=[Gr(e)at]=-
4 The Mithril Chamber Aden TreshConst JohnDilinger
5 The Golden Chamber Giran SWC #<[ToOM]>#
6 Moonstone Hall Goddard Lost MeloK
7 Emerald Hall Goddard BlackDragons []#KateWild
8 Sapphire Hall Goddard dpr mARIK
9 Wild Beast Reserve Rune Tragedy .`seppuku`.
2025-03-26 14:34:50
Total PvP 1457493
Total PK 11953
Characters 13816
Clans 450
Alliance 141
Heroes 297
2025-03-26 14:34:50